Saturday, December 22, 2018

I Survived the Shortest Day of the Year

I was very quiet about yesterday at it approached. It is one of those days that I try to forget about and just get it behind me.

But I am now celebrating, sort of.

Winter began officially at 5:23 PM EST last evening. I was on U.S. 1 driving to celebrate happy hour with friends when the event occurred. It slipped in unnoticed. I do not celebrate the arrival of Winter.

The arrival of Winter means that yesterday was the shortest day of the year. In Baltimore we had 9 hours 24 minutes and 1 second of daylight. Today will be all of 1 second longer.

In Ithaca, NY, they only had 9h 4m 4s of daylight. 

In Charlottesville, VA, the day was 9h 31m 26s long. 

In Key West, FL, it was 10h 36m 57s.

St Kilda Beach, Melbourne

In Melbourne, Australia, conversely, they are blessed with 14h 47m 27s of daylight today (because it was already today when Summer arrived there). It could be a beach day, but the high today is only going be 74 degrees. Thursday looks like a great day though with a high of 95 degrees and partly sunny skies.

So why am I celebrating? The dark season is half over! Days grow longer in the Northern Hemisphere from now until the next solstice in June! Summer is less than half a year away again!

That is a cause for celebration.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, December 21, 2018

Putting the Fun in Dysfunctional

In one of the saddest commentaries on the current administration in Washington, the highly respected and decorated Secretary of Defense is resigning leaving a huge hole to fill.

Secretary Mattis's sudden resignation is the latest, and most visible, sign that the Trump administration is in a shambles.

That is bad news for all of us.

Couple that with:

A stock market that daily looks for a new low and had made 2018 into a terrible year for investments.

A revolving door for critical cabinet positions.

Inconsistent policies that place our international allies at risk.

The insistent and sometimes irrational demand for a wall to "secure" our borders, yet the funding is going to continue an economic catastrophe that we will be trying to recover from for generations. 

We are on the brink of disaster. When the government cannot recruit and retain qualified and respected leaders it is a definite sign that there is something wrong. 

I am reminded of Nero fiddling while Rome burned. Granted, the fiddle did not exist then, but the meaning is there.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Here Comes the Rain, Again

The forecast is for rain! Again!

There were some forecasts as late as yesterday which were predicting dome possible snow for Christmas eve which would have made the sentimentalists happy with the remote possibility of waking to a white Christmas.

The current forecast does not have any chances of snow for Monday evening.

Of course, where Would rather be living the chances of a white Christmas are less than zero. So be assured, I am not one of those sentimentalists.

Just to add some pain to the coming days, however, the temperature is expected to get up to 60 degrees on Friday, but the rain will preclude any outdoors activity! Ugh! What a combination of weather we are enjoying: warm and rain or cold and sunny.

I hope the impending rain does not complicate the travel plans of many people.

I was hoping to get some golf in during the Christmas holiday week, however, unless I travel somewhere warm, that is definitely not going to happen.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Brakes, Why did it Have to Be Brakes?

Getting into the Brakes
December 18, 2018
The Christmas season is winding down and there is so much to do in preparation for the main event. There is shopping to be finished, menus to be planned, and Christmas cards to be sent, which have not even been bought yet. I'm thinking we are going to send Happy New Years cards this year.

So, with that preface what did I do last evening?

Brakes on a Jeep. 

Rotor needing Replacement
Yup. In the garage, in the cold, fixing brakes that should have been replaced about 10,000 miles ago. One of the brake pads had totally disintegrated and the caliper piston was in direct contact with the rotor. Needless to say, the caliper had to be replaced along with the rotor and brake pads.

It was the rear brakes, and they are never easy to deal with because of the emergency brake, but in this case they came apart pretty well. 

Because there was a break in the action to purchase a new caliper, to project took about three hours from start to finish. The Jeep, however, is now road safe again.

That was my last Tuesday before Christmas activity.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Focus on Christmas

The final week has arrived before Christmas Day bursts forth o the scene. I am sure there are many people looking forward to it being over, but Christmas Day is only the beginning.

Chris and I are in the middle of deciding upon menus for our Christmas Eve brunch and Christmas Day dinner.

I know that the excitement is growing for the kids and many adults alike as Christmas draws closer. It is part of the season. 

It is funny, however, Chris and I are already in the middle of returns. It seems that while ordering on Amazon is easy, sometimes it is not easy to ensure I get the right item. I guess I am particularly poor at ensuring that I select the correct colors and combinations. Oh well, what is a little extra for shipping?

So, what do you want this year? Or, is your joy in giving? 

For Christmas this year, as a Federal employee, Santa is bringing me a year without a pay raise and a leadership so embroiled in conflict that they are failing to lead the country by playing brinkmanship and planning for a partial government shutdown  And, at no extra cost, Santa is bringing us a stock market that is crashing and sucking our retirement accounts down the drain. 

I'm not just a little bit disturbed about what is happening in Washington.

But, I need to focus on Christmas--the season and the reason.

There is joy.

I will live in the joy!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, December 17, 2018

Monday Musings - December 17, 2018

1. Christmas Eve is one short week away. New Years Eve is just two short weeks away. Get ready and let the celebrations begin.

2. The dreary skies of the past few days are especially disheartening.

3. I was able to watch some of the exchange between Nancy Pelosi and the President the other day. While I am not a fan of Nancy Pelosi, the political cartoon that I found sums up the exchange pretty well.

4. It is sad that closing the federal government has become an accepted political approach to problem solving. Funny thing is, the Republicans control the government right now. They are fighting amongst themselves.

5. Family NFL Weekend Results

  -- Ravens (8-6) defeated Buccaneers 20-12
  -- Cowboys (8-6) lost to Colts 0-23
  -- Redskins (7-7) defeated Jaguars 16-13
  -- Steelers (8-5-1) defeated Patriots 17-10

6. I ventured out into the shopping arena surrounded by throngs of my new best friends on Saturday. It truly was a scene of chaos and commotion. Shopping on line while sipping a beverage with my feet propped up is far more pleasant.

7. There is a comet on tap for the Christmas season. Although it was brightest over the weekend, we were socked-in by clouds in the Baltimore region. Find the comet by reading the article about the Christmas comet. And then hope for clear skies.

8. I heard an interesting comparison regarding the periods in human development. There was the Stone Age, then the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the Space Age, and now the Plastic Age. We are polluting the oceans with plastic.

9. Today in History, 1903. Near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville and Wilbur Wright make the first successful flight in history of a self-propelled, heavier-than-air aircraft. Orville piloted the gasoline-powered, propeller-driven biplane, which stayed aloft for 12 seconds and covered 120 feet on its inaugural flight.


As the Trumps Dodged Taxes, Their Tenants Paid a Price - The New York Times

New report on Russian disinformation, prepared for the Senate, shows the operation’s scale and sweep - The Washington Post

Should we be able to indict a sitting president? Consider Spiro Agnew. - The Washington Post

Canada is looking for a way out of big Saudi arms deal, says PM - Reuters

Ronald Reagan Quote for the Week

Freedom is not created by government, nor is it a gift from those in political power. It is, in fact, secured, more than anything else, by those limitations I mentioned that are placed on those in government. It is absence of the government censor in our newspapers and broadcast stations and universities. It is the lack of fear by those who gather in religious services. It is the absence of official abuse of those who speak up against the policies of their government.
         -- Remarks Announcing America's Economic Bill of Rights, July 3, 1987, 10:06 a.m. at an Independence Day celebration at the Jefferson Memorial.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Remembering Other Times

Torrey, NY on Senaca Lake
October 4, 2018
December is passing day-by-day and as we are now past mid-month, the end of both the month and the year are in sight.

Bully Hill Winery
October 3, 20218
On top of the December darkness, it has rained non-stop for the past 36 hours. The forecast is for continued rain well into the afternoon today.

To escape the gloom of the sunless dawn, I downloaded some of the images from our early October wine tasting trip to Upstate New York.

The images reminded me of warmer times, although not necessarily dryer times. It rained during that trip. 

Senaca Lake near Torrey, NY
October 3, 2018
Despite the occasional rain, I was able to get Radio Flyer airborne for some nice images. Flying over Senaca Lake was a new experience. It was fun, but I was also nervous because I knew that if there was an emergency and I couldn't get Radio Flyer back to short, it would be lost. 

Fortunately, there was no emergency, although the winds aloft did cause me to shorten my flight a bit and recover the drone. 

Remembering past trips helps me to escape the dreary days. December will be over soon and the new year will be full of warmer and drier days to enjoy.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Reflections of the Lights

The rain has returned and dominates the weekend forecast. Ugh!

Christmas Lights Reflected on the Deck
December 14, 2018
We are expected to see temperatures in the 50's today, but the rain will preclude outdoor activities. I have so many outdoors projects that need to be accomplished, including cutting the trees we had felled and trimming the grasses around the pool.

Not this weekend.

But, even in the most disagreeable weather it is possible to find some beauty. 

Last evening as the rain fell, the Christmas lights illuminated the gloomy evening with their joyous light. I discovered some beauty on our back deck in their reflections in the rain.

The reflections added much needed light to the season and brightened my mood, just a bit.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, December 14, 2018

Taking to the Sky

Sunset Over the Neighborhood
December 13, 2018
For many reasons Radio Flyer, my DJI Spark UAS, has not been airborne since our get-away trip to New York during early October. 

Some of the reasons include the almost constant rain, the basement remodel project, the early onset of darkness since the time change, and the pace of life which has been incredibly busy with the arrival of the holiday season. 

Christmas Decorations on the House
December 13, 2018
Last evening around sunset, I made a point of getting Radio Flyer airborne, even if only for a short nine minute flight. It was good to get the controls back into my hands and my drone into the air. 
Wreath at the Peak

I was amazed at how many small things I had forgotten about flying the drone--mostly getting everything ready on the ground. But, they all came together and I had a successful flight checking out the Christmas lights on the house. I was able to do a close-up inspection of the wreath at the peak and determine that I will likely need to change the batteries for its lights during the next nice day, whenever that happens. 

As an added benefit of the flight, I also downloaded some videos and stills from the October trip to the Finger Lakes from the memory card onboard the drone.  

It was a short flight, but I was happy to slip the surly bonds of Earth, even if only for a few minutes and through the lens of Radio Flyer. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Truth or Dare

It dawned on me yesterday that our senior-most leaders are playing a game of truth or dare. Except, they are not telling the truth, ever, it seems.

As I watch the news clips of how the truth evolves over time to meet the circumstances, I wonder how today's youth can possibly ever sort reality from fiction.

It is appalling, really, how the truth is bent and distorted. 

The only good news in all of this is that the truth is finally coming to light through the ongoing investigations and that those who have lost their grip on truth are going to be spending time in prison or paying huge fines.

It is not enough, but it is a start.

I am appalled that a retired general and a respected lawyer have both bent the truth so blatantly. 

Maybe the truth will be uncovered in the end, I hope so.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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