Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Nerf Guns and World War

Christmas provided a wide variety of activities for the family to participate in and to enjoy each other.

One of the coolest gifts of Christmas was the remote controlled tarantula--no doubt, but getting nearly everyone in the family Nerf guns has also provided a lot of fun as well. It is amazing the killer instinct that some members of the family have when holding one of these things.

And then there was the Holiday game of Axis and Allies--the new version which went for another seven or so hours before the Allies were able to assure victory by capturing Tokyo after the Axis player made a grave strategic mistake. The fortunes of war, so they say.

If the holiday is about relationships, then we have truly cemented ours as a family. Fortunately, Nerf bullets are soft and generally make us laugh when we are hit.

I was amazed how quickly the Christmas music disappeared from the radio stations. Over a month of playing the songs and carols and then gone--in a flash, even though it is really the third day of Christmas, as the old song goes.

For now though, I'm going to hunker down and watch the torrents of rain expected in the forecast and enjoy some of my new toys. and get my truck repaired.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, December 26, 2011

Monday Musings - December 26, 2011

1. For Christmas and family and the time spent in preparation--give thanks!

2. It was fun being on the roads yesterday driving at the early break of dawn--the roads were empty and the first rays of the sun were just beginning to grace the eastern sky with a red hue that brought joy to my heart and I was celebrating the birth of Jesus so many years ago.

3. Christmas is really for the young at heart--because it is about new life and new hope.

4. I woke up this morning and I cannot believe that Christmas was yesterday. What a great holiday and family day.

5. It was nice to take a day off from the crush of life, I did not even check out the news yesterday. So I am behind today.

6. Christmas in not over though--it is just continuing every day.

7. We have been blessed with a great December in terms of weather and temperatures. Who would have believed that the entire family would be outside yesterday afternoon having a Nerf gun war. Yes--the best gifts of Christmas were Nerf guns for everyone. We payed until the sun went down and it got really cold.

8. I think I have handled my truck dying pretty well. I am pretty sure it is the fuel filter and I'll get on it tomorrow.

9. Christmas returns and gift cards--yeah, the shopping continues. Ugh!

10. I have a problem with packaging. Have you noticed how much is wasted by excessive packaging? And children's toys are the worst. I struggled with many toys yesterday including using some sophisticated tools to get into the toys. Ugh. The pile of packaging in the garage is overwhelming. We need to reduce packaging to save resources.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Coolest gift so far

The remote controlled tarantula. Makes people get out of the way.

Merry Christmas 2011

God bless you all.

May you find peace and joy that surpasses anything you could have imagined.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

Consider, for a moment the traditions and the things we do which get us through the Christmas holiday.

Today, for instance, my family gathered for a Christmas Eve breakfast--a chance to get together and celebrate at the beginning of the two day celebration, rather than later when we are all tired.

We are blessed by a glorious day--fair temperatures in the 50's and sunny, blue skies.

We are doing activities directly related to the holiday--be that cooking, or wrapping, or in my case brining the turkey. I have already delt with a broken down truck and got that into a place where it won't affect thee rest of the holiday--meaning I'll deal with it later. I did, however, enjoy the ride in the tow truck.

Soon, we will get together again for worship and then go separate ways for the evening. Even those who are out of town have called to be part of the festivities.

Tomorrow--the real fun begins with gift exchanges private and larger family events. A massive dinner, and time together are also part of the day.

The kids make the holiday--but connecting with family, including extended family strewn across the country, will also be an important part of the day.

This year, Monday the 26th is the second day of Christmas in that the Axis and Allies will again recreate WWII and ttempt to chang hostiry once again while feasting on leftovers and not a few beers.

The reason for the season? It is there in the love that we all share.

I had a great discussion a week ago about God and religion and I reminded the people I was chatting with that what really matters is the relationship. If we foster a strong relationship between our family members, we are reflecting the kind of relatiionship God wants with us. And that friends, is the season's reason.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Prayer 2011

Father in Heaven, thank you for the year almost completed. You have blessed me in ways that I cannot comprehend.

My family has prospered and I see your hand in everything that has happened in my life and with my family. Thank you for the things you have provided to me.

I come before you this Christmas to celebrate again the gift of your Son which provides the path to eternal life. I know the world is an evil and dangerous place; but I also know that I too am hard and unforgiving. I fail to show your love to those around me so that they can see your reflection in my life. Forgive me.

Father, as the celebration begins I realize that there is much work to do in my heart, my town, my county, this state and country, and throughout the world.

I ask that the eyes of those who do not understand the reason that I celebrate the birth of the Savior of the World be opened.

Remind me daily of Your love--which I may see reflected in the lives of those around me.

Help me to be an instrument to show someone in need that love is not just words or feelings, but that Your love is action.

I have learned about sickness and disease this year in my own life and in the lives of others. Comfort those who are afflicted. Give them hope in the middle of the night when all seems dark and and they feel alone. Provide them the assurance of your love. Heal us, Lord.

For the heroes who are returning from war, help them to find peace and healing.

For those still overseas in harm's way, protect them from the forces of chaos and evil.

For the families of those who have fallen in service to this country, give them comfort.

For our nation, restore our government and make us, as a people, an instrument that you use in the world for good and peace.

For our leaders, protect them and give them wisdom to govern this nation according to your will.

As I am here in Your presence, Lord, I see in my mind parents praising, angels singing, shepherds coming, magi arriving, and the baby upon whose shoulders the hope of the world was laid laying there to repair the relationship between mankind and You. Make me part of the story and not just an observer.

Your story of love is active, not passive. I want to be an active part of Your plan and to carry the joy of this season into my life all the year long.

I ask this all in the name of Your Son, Jesus, whose birth I celebrate.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Path to Destruction

The beginning of the end is upon us here in America, I am afraid.

We are heading down the slippery slope of becoming like the great socialist societies of Europe with incredibly high taxes, universal health care, ineffective militaries, and unbalanced and hopelessly out of balanced budgets.

By the time we are done--there will be no middle class left in America. There will be the very rich and those dependent upon the government for everything.

And the sad thing is--we are getting exactly what we elected--which by extension means we are getting what we wanted.

Here is some of what I have read in the news the past couple of days:

A city, Central Falls, Rhode Island, wants to slash the retirement plans of already retired police and firemen because they are facing bankrupcy and failed to put enough funds into the retirement fund in the past. Note, this is not a change to still on duty retirement plans--but to those already retired.

Those who have served and put their lives on the line are being forced to serve again in their retirement. Really? And this trend is not new--it has been looked at in California in cities like Hollywood and San Jose. And if you read the article--the police and firefighters in Central Falls did not contribute to Social Security--and therefore are not eligible to collect benefits under that program either.

Then I read an item from right here in Maryland--which is on track to become the highest taxed state in America. It seems that lawmakers are not happy with the Homestead Exemption which caps the amount of tax increases that can be passed along to homeowners living in their houses. The state and local governments are not getting enough revenue it seems. So one of our bright delegates is going to propose tying property taxes to ability to pay--or income. Really? My home is going to be taxed at a higher rate because I have some success in life? Delaware and Florida are looking better every day.

My pay is already frozen for the third year in a row, but my taxes, medical costs, and costs of living continue to climb.

I am expected to pay more taxes just because I live in the third most prosperous county in the United States.

And Congress is trying to nickle and dime me even more as I read about new taxes, increasing payroll taxes, and reduced services. When will the fire sale happen?

Maybe I should just give up and head south to the beach. If I have no earned income, at least the government will give me money to stimulate the economy. I mean after all, my needs are pretty few--warm sun, sandy beach, and a drink in my hand. Although I do like to have someone come by every so often to refresh the drink--but I might be able to sacrifice that.

Face it--at our request, government has become too big. And now the gravy train ride is over and the bills are due. Similar to opening the credit card statements in January after Christmas--except we can't just print more money to pay the bill.

We are rapidly sliding down that slippery slope into irrelevance and destruction.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Surviving Christmas Shopping

This year I didn't wait until Christmas Eve to start or complete my shopping. I headed off to the mall last evening to risk my life and wallet at the retail outlets.

Amazingly, I survived.

It was touch and go for a bit, but after a rocky start, I managed to pull it together and remember everything on my list. Did I say list? Well, I didn't really have a list, more like a collection of unrefined gift ideas.

It was an experience, and I was even able to assist Chris with a purchase via the magic of cell phone technology--so I knocked a gift off her list while I was out.

I admit that it was fun to be out with the crowd--lots of families rushing to complete their shopping. People are different at Christmas. I think it is because they are thinking outside of themselves by looking for gifts for others--it changes perspective from inward focused to outward focused.

That is not to say every experience was good. In one store, I stood in line for 10 minutes to check out and then they forgot to offer me gift boxes so I had to go back later to get those. Admittedly, it was my first stop and I wasn't fully in the shopping "zone" yet.

My shopping experience spanned about three hours, and by then I was ready to call it a night. Except that I needed to make three stops on the way home--ugh! That is what I hate about shopping--there is always one more stop to make.

I do love shopping on Christmas Eve though. The rush knowing that the end is in sight coupled with the panic of trying to find the right items from the picked over shelves mingled with the time crunch. It helps to get me in the Christmas mood.

For now though--the shopping is done and I can begin to find the real Christmas mood.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge. MD

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

'Tis the Season for Lists

Just a note--five days until zero hour.

Lists, lists, and more lists.

Seriously, I do not think there is anyone in the world who makes more lists than Santa--except my wife.

I know she is going to think I am picking on her--but the lists work for her. She has a full accounting of who is naughty and nice! Down to the minute detail. And I am in awe of her lists--even to the point of digging through the recycling last evening to find a list that was feared to have been accidentally discarded.

Her lists keep Christmas straight, even and most of all--equitable! Everything is catalogued in terms of number and price. Gifts are deconflicted, swapped among recipients, and even returned before the main event should a need arise. And the need arises quite a lot as gift ideas are changed or better sales appear in the ads..

Me? I'm lucky to have what I will call "gift" clarity five minutes before I need to make a purchase. I think about gifts--but I do not make lists. I have enjoyed shopping on Christmas Eve as the panic of being down to the wire comes up against the crush of the crowds. But, I have found that this is not a good recipe for success. Although, I have obtained some pretty nifty third options by shopping that way.

And I even rely on dumb luck--like this year, already. I recently learned that a major gift that I was going to purchase for someone had already been taken by others. Just through casual conversation.

So given everything happening in my life, it has been determined that tonight is my night--the night I finalize Christmas for those for which I am responsible. It, fortunately, is a short list. I have been given tonight for this activity due to playing some absolutely uninspiring racquetball last evening in the league tournament. I didn't make it out of the first round, and based upon how I was playing, I didn't deserve to make it to the semifinals.

So as a reward for failure on the racquetball court--I will sojourn into the crowds with my list to complete my Christmas shopping.

Wish me luck in my task--Christmas depends upon it. Too bad I can't just depend upon Santa to do the job.

BTW--I'm a terrible shopper.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday Musings -- December 19, 2011

1. Six days to go. I hope all of the shopping is done and everything is ready for the main event.

2. The fortunes of football continue to be fickle. The Ravens decided to give up being in the driver's seat for the season and the playoffs and give it over to the Patriots. Along with their loss and the Packer's loss went my hopes of a Fantasy Football championship.

3. And in the category of wierd things happen when we least expect them, Kim Jong Il, the leader of North Korea is reported to have died overnight. Just what we need--instability in another part of the world.

4. The final family birthday before Christmas has been celebrated and now it is time to slide feet first into the all encompassing Holiday Season.

5. We had an interesting talk in church yesterday about the Magi who sought the baby Jesus. Aside from all of the great teaching, that trite phrase kept creeping into my mind-- "Wise men seek him still!" And it is true. We need to question and understand the depth of the relationship that God wants to have with us.

6. Cold. The weekend was cold. I did almost nothing outside; but I did go to the grocery store three times!

7. Chris is working on the words of a song using the Twelve Days of Christmas tune. The opening verse is, "On the first of December my true love said to me, 'Yay it's the holidays.'" I can only guess where it is heading--but it is sure to be funny.

8. What do you get when you put together five small children, two dogss, two cats, and 10 adults? Nope, a birthday party!

9. My hope is that you find peace and joy during this season of holidays. Enoy the lights. Enjoy the parties. Most of all, enjoy being alive to be able to be part of life and able to enjoy the season.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD
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