Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday Musings - November 14, 20111

1. This is the in between week. That is, it is the week in between Veterans Day and Thanksgiving. It may be the last sane week of the year.

2. I was shocked, this past weekend, when I visited the gravesite of a veteran and noticed that local veterans groups had not placed flags on the graves of all of the veterans buried in the cemetary. I bought a flag and took it back to mark the resting place of a hero.

3. It was a very different weekend in Ithaca. Varied in the people I met and the activities I participated in. I changed a door lock, visited, stood beside a grave after finding it covered with leaves, attended a memorial service, participated in a wine tasting, fumed at traffic, enjoyed the natural beauty of the Ithaca area, watched fire trucks responding to a horrific house fire that destroyed a big house in Danby, shopped (in Lowes), ate out three times, laughed at the antics of two small kittens, and watched more college football in a single weekend than I have in a long time.

4. Now is not a good time to invest in Euros!

5. Did you know the that the most recent Russian attempt to send a probe to Mars may come crashing back to Earth in January?

6. I had forgotten, but we have been having problems with Iran since 1979, when they stormed our embassy in Tehran and took 63 Americans hostage. It doesn't look to end anytime soon.

7. Have you noticed that airline prices are very high in comparison to recent times?

8. It looks as if the only country in the world with an active, reliable manned space program, that would be Russia, launched an American to the International Space Station this morning.

9. Oh yes--and did you notice that the Ravens are the most inconsistent team in Pro Football? They lose to teams with losing records and win against teams with winning records.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Weekend Images to Remember

It has been a long holiday weekend. The images of the weekend are varied.

We stumbled into a wine tasting at a local wine store on Thursday evening which really improved our spirits. It is always fun to find wines and take a moment from life to enjoy the fruit if the vine with others who also enjoy a good glass of wine. It is amazing how we never seem to find repeats in the wines we taste--the store carried no wines that were familiar to us in Maryland. That of course, makes it all the more exciting to try and find new wines to enjoy. I am so glad that wines are so diverse.

Autumn is in the final stages here. The leaves have left the branches of the trees and found their way to the ground where the wind is whipping them into ever increasing piles and filling the low spaces. I remembered that we needed to be careful when walking on uneven ground because the leaves may be covering a depression and a turned ankle could result from carelessness.

And finally, so what did you do on Saturday afternoon? This kitten was making all of her own entertainment in and around the container. Her sister, not pictured, was not too far away partaking in equally creative entertainment.

It has been a weekend of varied activity--and a weekend to remember. These images obviously did not capture it all, but will help to document a small part of it.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ithaca, NY - Traffic Constipation

Ithaca is a crazy place. Home of the greatest population of tree huggers known to exist and a city dedicated to the idea that another non-synchronized traffic light to foster continual traffic jams is just what is needed to improve quality of life.

I have to admit, I do not recall ever driving in a place with more difficult traffic. I have driven in much larger cities and not seen such confused traffic patterns. And add to that, a train decided to drive through town at the height of rush hour the other evening which totally shut down some of the main roads through town. I was in a traffic mess of Baltimore proportions.

Ugh! Can't they do better than that?

Ithaca is not that large, in terms of people. In terms of ego though, it plays way above its weight class. Ithaca has a popultion of jut over 30,000 and the region has a popultion of about 101,000. And it is not served by a connecting four-lane highway from anywhere. Amazing.

I did search for this cities not served by a four-lane highway, but could only find big cities not served by an interstate--and Fresno, CA, is the largest of those.

And so my rant about Ithaca continues. Traffic always has been and likely will continue to be one of the most opprressive things about the area. As I drove down one of the hils last evening into Ithaca I saw ribbons of taillights, similar to I-95 at rushhour, stretching from one end of the city to the other. Not moving. Fortunately, I was able to take some side streets nd avoid most of the mess, but that kind of oppressive traffic does not belong in a place with as much natural beauty as Ithaca.

Millions of dollars have been spent to fix the problem. A limited access, elevated, four-lane bypass is really needed.

That aside--the beauty of the hills and Cayuga Lake filling the valley are world class.

But the traffic is totally frustrating.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day - 2011

The History of Veterans Day

November 11, 2011

Veterans Day falls on November 11, the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I. President Woodrow Wilson first proclaimed an Armistice Day for November 11, 1919. In 1953, an Emporia, Kansas man named Alvin King, the owner of a shoe repair shop, had the idea to expand Armistice Day to celebrate all veterans.  President Dwight Eisenhower signed it into law on May 26, 1954. For more information, including educational materials, visit VA's Veterans Day webpage, VA's History of Veterans Day, the Veterans Day site , the website, and the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Day webpage.

My Thoughts

There are forces in our Congress right now who want to minimize the sacrifices made by not only our veterans, but their families. Reducing benefits for veterans--those who selflessly answered the call of our nation, is the wrong approach.

We owe our veterans a debt that, for some of them, can never be repaid--those who have given the best of themselves--the best of their lives and their health.

So today--let's devote ourselves to remembering our nation's heroes, our veterans, and to continuing to honor their sacrifices by not reducing the benefits that they and their families are owed.

They answered the call when we could not or would not.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Trucks and Open Road

We did the trip a bit different than we have done in a long time.

We traveled mid-week rather than the day right before a three-day weekend, which in this case would have been Thursday.

After clearing the traffic catastrophe, which is better known as the Baltimore Beltway, we were greeted with relatively open road. And I mean open road like we have not seen in a long time. As the day passed into night, at all of aabout 6PM, the road became almost ours alone--except for a huge number of trucks.

I remember years ago I use to love to drive with the trucks wide open on Interstate 95 heading through Florida. I remember getting behind a truck and literally hauling at speeds of above 80 mph crusing through the open flatlands in my big-engined Ford LTD. That car would didn't really start to cruise until 70 mph. It was built for speed and power.

Last eveniing, we were not cruising a 80, but we were making greeat time because the usual traffic congestion that we face on the trip never materialized. We gianed probably 15 minutes around Harrisburg and another 15 minutes around Wilkes Barre and Scranton.

It was pleasant drive--except for the trucks.

Has anyone noticed they don't drive as well as they used to? I witnessed many that were weaving around and performing fairly aggressive lane changes.

They made me nervous--and I never used to be nervous around truckers.

November roads are dark though. I pity those who do not like to drive after dark because it is dark for so much longer.

And there are so mny trucks. Why aren't we using the rail system more instead of relying on so many long-haul truckers?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Near Full Moon

The near full moon was hanging over the end of the street last evening as I drove off to play a racquetball match.

It was there, bright and almost cheery in the clear sky which was just beginning to be populated with points of light.

The sun was in the final stages of setting--and so the sky was not completly dark yet--but it was coming, I could tell.

Many trees still retain portions of their autumnal robes and gave the scene some color--still visible in the just before the darkness waning light.

It was warm--yes warm with temperatures in the mid-60's just to remind me that even in November the weather can be nice enough to ride with the top down on he convertible.

But I was off on a mission--heading off to the court in the height of the evening rush hour traffic.

It seems that rush hour around here is reaally rush four hours as people scurry to and from their places of employment or education. And it happens twice per day.

The moon was hanging there--almost full, it will be full on Thursday and then I wonder whether it will become a true harvest moon. The big cool orb hanging in the sky illuminating the near bare trees and casting stark shadows onto the lawns that we associate with autumn. Maybe more yellow than white--low on the horizon opposite the just set sun.

The kind of moon that when we were kids we would look into its face and really see the man in the moon. Or maybe, if we were quick, we could spy a witch flying her broom across the broad face--but only for a moment.

But it is off for the new day and the coming dawn now. I wonder what is in store for today. Something magical, I hope.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

After Daylight Savings Time

Work week day one of the return to standard time has been completed. The sun rose shortly after I arrived at work and set as I was driving home.

My total exposure to sunlight amounted to zero minutes.

The dark days have officially begun it seems. Departing under the cover of night and returning home after sunset. If I were a vampire it would be awesome--but it turns out that I am a creature of the sun.

And it only gets worse from here.

Today the sun rises at 6:42 am and sets at 4:59 pm for 10 hours and 17 minutes of available sunlight. By this time next month, there will only be 9 hours and 30 minutes of available sunlight.

I need a trip south, south of the equator!

I guess that is my problem with coming off daylight savings time--the amount of sunshine doesn't change dramatically, it is just more aligned to when I am at work. And I work under the warmth of flourscent lighting in a windowless office so I don't even get to see the daylight when it is available.

I suppose that I don't need to listen to the weather for the next couple of months--my weather is darkness followed by brief glimpses of the dawn (or sunset).

It will get better, I kmow.

But in the meantime, gray skies and continual darkness just don't do it for me. I'm told that it is going to be 68 degrees today--if only I get a chance to enjoy it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday Musings - November 7, 2011

1. It has been fun watching the long Autumn this year. The leaves are lingering on the trees.

2. The way the sun has been illuminating the golden leaves on the trees in the evening light has been stunning.

Autumn Trees in the Evening Sunlight

3. The ferocity of the presidential race makes me wonder why anyone would want to be the leader of this nation.

4. Fellowship is the desired state of life. To be in fellowship with each other is a state we should be working toward.

5. The fortunes of football, like life, are transient. Enjoy the winning to overcome the heartbreak of the losses. Tomorrow is new day and we get another chance. Win or lose.

6. The cold mornings are surely a shock to my summertime way of thinking.

7. Some holidays just seem to be rewritten out of existnace. I'm told that the Great Oktober Revolution is no longer celebrated on this day in Russia.

8. The is the week of Vereran's Day. Remember the sacrifices others make to ensure our ability to live as we desire.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Falling Leaves

I was out early this morning with Makayla--just at dawn which, according to the clock, was an hour earlier today than yesterday.

We were standing at the end of the driveway, next to a tree which still had most all of its leaves and in the quiet of the pre-dawn light I heard an interesting sound. Both Makayla and I heard the sound of something rustling leaves--or rather the rustling of a single leaf.

I looked at the tree to discern what was making the noise.

It was the sound of a single leaf releasing from the branch where it had been attached since Sping and then falling to each succeeding branch below as it made its way to the ground. And then it was on the ground, surrounded by its friends who all had formerly been on the tree.

Another leaf followed in the path of the one which had just made its way to the ground.

I had forgotten the sound that falling leaves make. I was sure that I could hear the leaf release itself from the branch and then fall from branch to branch until reaching the ground.

It has been a long Autumn and while many treees have already shed their leaves, many more are still preparing for the Winter ahead. But, I have heard the sound of leaves falling. I stopped for a moment, taking a break from my own self-absorbed life and listened.

There are many more things to see and hear.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Wait a Minute--What Month is it?

Chris found this image on the web--and of course knowing that Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, we had a good chuckle over this scene.

Sometimes we just get a bit ahead of ourselves. Today the Halloween decorations go back into the boxes until next year and the turkey's make their appearance.

Happy Thanksgiving.

My Zimbio
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