Thursday, October 27, 2011

What if?

The sky was always blue--would I appreciate it?

The days were always warm, would I long for the cold.

The rains would never turn to snow, would I wonder if there was something more?

My car would always be driven as a convertible--would I dream of rain?

My children were always funny, would I want it any other way?

The wine would always flow--would I long for beer?

The days were always perfect--would I continue to appreciate them?

Yes, I believe I would because the days are perfect, the wine flows, my children are funny, and I even appreciate snow in small quantities.

But I do love blue skies.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Autumn Brilliance

It was stunning last evening as I was driving home from work. The cloudless sky was a brilliant blue and the autumn leaves on the trees were bathed in a golden sunlight that highlighted them in a way that made them almost shimmer of gold.

The road was strategically placed between the trees which were in full color along both sides with the blue sky straight ahead. It was a thing of beauty to remember.

I considered grabbing my phone and trying to capture an image while I was driving in traffic at a relatively high speed. I decided not to risk a serious accident and determined to etch the scene into my memory for later enjoyment.

Ah--but it was beautiful. The last gasp of autumn before the trees become barren and the grip of cold, unpleasant weather moves across the land. I heard that Denver is supposed to get almost a foot of snow as the seasons begin their irreversable change from autumn to winter. Ugh! Too much, too fast. I am very glad that I am here and not there.

I have noticed and enjoyed the brilliant, blue sky more since the weeks we recently suffered through of gloomy grayness. I love it when that orb in the sky, we call it the sun, makes a significant appearance and warms the land.

I truly appreciate the sun and its liffe-giving light contrasted against the cold darkness of the season ahead. Can it still be six months until the pool is open again?

There is so much to do between now and then. Life. Darkness. Cold. Snow. Rain.

But yesterday God gave me a memory for those times--the sight of the autumn robed trees bathed in the golden warm rays of the sun highlighted against the crystal blue sky.

- Bob Doan Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Too Funny

One of my favorite sayings is from the first Star Wars movie when Obi Wan Kenobi is talking to the storm troopers and says "These are not the droids you are looking for. " This image just made me laugh.

Clearly, this storm trooper has had a bad day!

Hopefully, mine will be better.

I found this somewhere on the net or in Facebook--so thanks to whomever it was who posted it first. Let me know who you are and I'll be sure to give you credit.

- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday Musings - October 24, 2011

1. The pool has been closed a month already. Six more long, cold, dark months until we open it for the 2012 season.

2. Kids seem to transition very quickly from well to sick.

3. It is a good time to celebrate democracy with the demise of Qaddafi. The newly freed prople of Libya have a lot to celebrate and must be careful to avoid the forces of chaos and darkness.

4. Autumn trees are in full color and too soon will be bare waiting for the dark days.

5. Cats and dogs. They keep our house from being devoid of life when we come home.

6. Sunday: church, football, family and yesterday a stroll through a corn maze. We didn't even have to call 911 for help getting out.

7. "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our chidren." Native American proverb. I read over the weekend that global warming is rising almost out of control and the temperature in some places may increase by 2 degrees during a lifetime.

8. It is amazing how quickly the leaves have departed the limbs of the trees--almost as if they have an important event to attend.

9. Garbage. Have you ever considered garbage and how we never consider it until we have to clean it up our of our own yard?

- Bob Doan, Elkridge MD

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Around the Fire

A bottle of wine and some dinner around a cackling fire in the fire pit as the sun set and the temperatures began to descend was how we spent the evening. It was great to be outside, free of nuisance mosquitoes and enjoying the clear soon to be crisp air.

Grasses around the Pool
We chatted about the passing season and noticed how the trees were shedding their leaves in ever increasing numbers.

The grasses around the pool have donned beautiful blooms which give them a completeness they lacked all season. I was going to cut them down for the season yesterday, but gave them a break so I could enjoy their autumn beauty just a bit more.

It was cold overnight--our first night down in the 30's. October truly is slipping into November and I will appreciate each nice day more and more. I know the heavy clouds that pass by more and more are trying to bring snow instead of rain.
Pumpkins on the Porch

So I want to hold onto summer--just for a moment more before realizing that the pool has been closed already a month.

Yet--we did make a creative Halloween pumpkin stack to celebrate the season.

But it is still autumn, lol.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

October Night

Low clouds moved fast across the face of the half full moon
stars as beacons pierced the voids of dark black sky
leaves rained down as October slides into November
wind collecting them into ever increasing piles leaving
bare branches to cast eerie shapes across the lawn.

Calling out in the moonlight, a lonely fox makes her presence known
the slumbering house is awakend by the barking of the dog inside
seeking to answer the fox's quest for companionship
stirring, unkept faces push their noses onto the window pains
trying to understand the commotion and reason they no longer sleep.

From the shadows she yells out again--the dog in the house responds
the moon breaks out for a moment, illuminating the fox in the driveway
baring her teeth as if smiling at the commotion she is causing
they briefly reflect the pale light as it flickers behind another cloud
she stands, glances at the house and moves off into the night's shadows

Casting uneven light across the "middle of the night" scene, the moon flickers
noses move from the windows and disappear into the dark house
quiet now the dog has ceased its barking and moves away from the door
returning to a warm bed, turning around before resuming slumber
the night is again quiet

Leaves contine to pile into mounds in the yard
the fox stalks a rabbit, unaware of the impending doom
life is everywhere, despite the dark and quiet
and the moon continues to bathe the scene in its light
while the newly bare trees reach longingly to the sky.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday Down Day

I'm taking today off.

A respite from the frenetic pace of life.

I slept in late--OK until 7 AM, when normally I would already be at work.

A three-day weekend of my own creation.

What a concept. A Bob Holiday!

And so, armed with my coffee and with my faithful dog at my side I am facing the world as the sun peals away the veil of darkness looking at the leaves which are falling to the ground in ever increasing numbers. Unlike snowflakes, though, there are only a finite number of leaves.

Soon the bare branches of the trees will be reaching skyward--straining to leave the bounds of earth, but still firmly rooted into place.

But, it is Friday. And I am at home. For a bit at least. To celebrate life and pretend, vor one day at least, that I am independently wealthy.

Maybe I should play the lottery?

No--the odds are not good enough.

So I will just enjoy the day and try to not consider the condition of my in box when I return to work on Monday.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

NPDH - A Periodic Update

Learning to live with the constant headache of NDPH is an interesting and sometimes frustrating approach to life.

I thought things were getting into a good place for the past couple of weeks as the headaches were manageable and, more often than not, I could imagine being almost headche free.

The other day though, for an unknown reson, the hedache decided to really start banging and the intensity has turned up to the levels I had seen when they began. At times, I could not even think.

Fortunately, I was saved a bit by an evening racquetball match which helped me to get ahead of the pain for the evening.

I don't know if it is aggravated by the weather or what--but this week has been bad.

I am beginning to really scrutinize what I am eating, or snacking on, to see if there is a relationship. My acivities are also beginning to shed some light on the aggravators as well. For instance, last evening, while driving in the torrential downpour, it was bad.

Fortunately wine, in small doses, still works to turn the intensity down and dinner really helped.

This morning things seem back to the levels I am more accustomed to--but there is a long day ahead. I will see how it goes.

- Elkridge, Maryland

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Administrivia Prevails

It is amazing how administrivia increases exponentially when things get tight and people begin to lose perspective.

I am finding more and more that people are resorting to focusing on small items and procedures at the expense of finding the big picture in things.

It is frustrating--our world collapses and the most important things are whether forms are completed at the expense of the ideas they contain.

Look at the government, for instance.

Congress has enacted thousands of onerous reporting requirements which are, I believe, almost singleandedly dragging the economy into the abyss.

State governments, likewise, in looking for increased revenues are finding new and creative means to apply taxes and fees. In Maryland, for instance, the state is considering raising the gas tax from 23 cents to 38 cents per gallon. A 15 cent per gallon increase. Really? And the consumers continue to bear the brunt of economic downturn and then the state wants to make it all the worse. While 15 cents per gallon may seem small, it adds up fairly quickly.

Instead of finding new and creative revenue means, the state needs to exammine the administrative burden it is placing on people and companies and begin to shed some of those revenue costing measures. Streamline. Don't reduce basic services, but remove the administrivia. I read that there is a 25 step process to gain road access for a construction project. Really? 25 steps? We are beginning to drown in administrative burden and it is causing productivity to fail.

I have already written of fee increases by banks and other industries.

Taken together--the increases, devoted to administrivia, begin to add up to a significant bill.

We need to rid ourselves of the small death by a thousand cuts approach to fees and taxes. Excise administrivia from society to improve our quality of life.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

T-shirts filling up the dresser drawer

I have t-shirts from all over the world. From the places I've been and the attractions I have seen.

I am wearing a t-shirt from Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas. I went there a couple of years ago on a Fast Cat from Key West. I never wear these t-shirts I buy out in public. I don't even know why I buy them.

But I do.

I have some cool t-shirts from diving the Vandenberg off Key West, from visiting Keswick Winery and so many other places I can hardly remember.

The bottom line--I don't wear them except around the house or to work on cars.

They make great rags, but I still don't know why I but them. It seems important at the time.

Well--they also make great souvineers, I guess.

I suppose I am just not a t-shirt kinda guy, although I still buy them and store them in my dresser drawer.

The funniest one advertises the Hotel Alcratraz--from when I was last in San Francisco--whenever that was.

So I have a few t-shirts. I donate the older ones every so often so at least they find a new life after spending time with me.

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