Saturday, February 19, 2011

Blue Skies and High Wind

Ready for the Growing Season
Well it is cooler today than the 70's of yesterday. But the respite was appreciated.

The grasses around the pool are cut and the debris of winter has been removed from the lawn.

The lawn service even paid its initial visit to get the first load of chemicals down in the lawn in preparation for the Springtime growing season.

In a few months, the grasses will be 6 feet tall and the summer sun will be beating down on us as we lounge in the pool.

But yesterday was the day to get it done. It was warm and we actually enjoyed being outside doing yard work--the first of the emerging season.  I had some broken branches to cut out of one of the plum trees and we even had the tractor out with the mower cleaning up leaves and debris--although I am sure the wind will blow a lot more in today.

Memories like yesterday will keep me going strong until the weather changes over for good.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Smell of Spring

It hit me as I opened the door to let the dog out early this morning.

The damp, earthy smell that confirmed to me that although it is only February, Springtime was in the air.

It is the smell of wet earth and it hangs in the air, rich and full of promise after the sterile smell of the frozen snow covered lawns.

As I surveyed the wet, brown grass covered lawn which had a smattering of leaves and other assorted treats brought in by the winds of the past few days, I imagined a green carpet of uniformly cut blades of grass which will soon replace the current view. 


I am already getting ads for discounted pool supplies and for pool opening assistance.

Even the birds have ramped up their activity of late.

The grasses around the pool have served their purpose and must be trimmed to prepare for a new season of growing.

There is so much to do.

I imagine it like a prisoner being released--a bright sunny day, full of hope and promise. So much that the senses are overloaded.

And right about noon--I will be free to enjoy the day. Carpe diem.

February Paradox

Yesterday the temperatures were awesome and warm even. Remember, it was the 17th of February. In one month I'll be heading to Florida for Orioles Spring Training--the tickets are on my desk as I type this.

Cat on the First Day of Top Down Driving Feb 17, 2011
Last evening I drove home in Cat with the top down and the wind (cool but not cold) whistling through my ever thinning hair.

I was the envy of so many other drivers on the road. (Maybe they thought I was crazy)

Although I felt a bit weird putting the top down on a convertible in February in Maryland--that is why I bought the car--so I could! I took this image just before I put Cat into the garage for the night.

And that is why the top was down last evening--because I could!

Today is supposed to be even nicer!
The Snow that Won't Quit

I felt as if the freakishly cold snap was finally over. But, I know there are still 30 days until Spring officially begins.

Here's the paradox part--just up the driveway--there is still a huge pile of snow.

If I don't see anymore snow until January 2012, it will be too soon!

I just hope this pile goes away soon.

I am getting itchy to open the pool. And there is still ice in it.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Warm days

I was a Nicole's yesterday evening watching Ethan--on what I call "E" day.

As I was leaving, I saw that the entire neighborhood was outside enjoying the mild 58 degree temperatures. The kids were all outside around the neighborhood. Playing. What a concept. Jax and E were on their scooter cars--enjoying the mild temperatures and the sunshine.

I was good to be outside again and not cold.

I even took Makayla for a walk. Something I have been reticent to do with the cold temperatures.

It was awesome to enjoy the outdoors again--even if only for a few minutes with moderating temperatures.

I highly recommend it--getting outside again.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine's Day -- The Memory

I am not a romantic person by nature. Anything that I do which remotely resembles a romantic advance or moment comes with a lot of effort.

The other night, Chris gave me a huge compliment--one that I really appreciate, but ast the same time it also scares me! She indicated that our Valentines Day was probably the most romantic thing that I have ever done.

We decided that since she had been away the previous week, to forgo the overly expensive, but nice Valentine's Day dinner at a local restaurant and I would cook her favorite dinner.

Well, as it turned out, I really got into the whole idea of making this a special evening at home and since she was out doing her usual Monday evening time at Nicole and Mike's, I actually had the opportunity to "set" a mood before she got home.

And so, the picture is of the table set and ready as she walked through the door. The salad course on the plates and the wine in the glasses.  We chose a 1999 Parador Red wine, which is a unique blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Tempranillo that we found during our Napa Valley vacation last year.   It was fabulous.

The table was simple but elegant on Wedgwood china and our best silver. The dinner simple--baked salmon and vegetables with a cheese cake dessert accompanied by a brand port we have had for a few years.

The chef (me) had everything timed to begin upon Chris' arrival at the door. The candles were lit around the house, soft music was playing and once we were ready, the salmon was placed in the already preheated oven.  Coffee was also served as an after dinner drink.

We enjoyed a leisurely salad course as the salmon baked. Catching up on the events of the day and the past week all the while the stress fell from her shoulders and soon, before long, my wife once again emerged finally back at least for a moment, into our lives unencumbered by everything else clamoring for her attention. The salmon was perfectly seasoned with dill and lemon pepper and cooled to perfection. Most importantly, it was served still hot--fresh from the oven. The vegetable medley complimented the fish and the cheesecake was not too sweet, and so it complimented the Port and the rest of the dinner.

We savored the meal, the conversation, and the time together. The evening was perfect.  I'm not sure we will ever again be able to face the noise and bustle of restaurant Valentines Day.

Why did Chris' compliment scare me? I may have raised the bar too high and may never be able to do anything which can even compare to Monday night again, let alone exceed it.  I should have managed expectations better.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

In Search of Springtime

I have to confess--I had to make a quick trip to the truck at about 10:30 yesterday morning and I almost didn't go back into work.

Yes--I was suddenly besieged by a terminal case of Spring Fever.

I haven't experinced temperatures as pleasant as those of yesterday since early November.

They were awesome and the sky was blue with puffy clouds.  It was cool--but not cold.

I didn't even wear an overcoat ot work this morning the 47 degree temperature was so pleasant.

I know there remains at least one more cold blast from the Arctic--but for yesterday and most of this week I will be searching for the new growth associated with Springtime and enjoying moderate teperatures celebrating the near end of an extremely cold and unpleasant winter.

For those of you up north--I'm sorry, but it is on its was there, too.

Stick with it.  Pretty soon we will all be cursing the need to mow the lawn.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday Musings - February 14, 2011

1. Happy Valentines Day--hope you didn't forget.

2. I went shopping the other night with my best girl. She sat patiently in the car while I went into the grocery store. Later, when we went to her favorite store, PetSmart, she was on her best behavior in the store helping me pick out her favorite treats. I even got her a new chew bone--which she approved of before I put it into the cart. It is amazing how things change when we are living on our own.

3. After a short break--family Sunday resumed yesterday. It met every expectation--but even better, I fired the grill up for the first time in 2011 and we had steak for dinner. The promise of 60 degree weather by the end of the week sure have me getting excited.

4. Egypt is celebrating--I hope the end result is better than what the people had before.

5. BTW--it is Baseball season. Spring Training has begun with the arrival of pitchers and catchers. it is time to transition the excitement of the off season dealing into a baseball season of excitement rather than disappointment. Do I have my expectations set to high? Probably, but that is what Spring Training is all about--30 teams all even in the race to win the World Series.

6. In the aftermath of the Super Bowl last week, I ran across this quote from the guy the trophy is named after: If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score? Vince Lombardi

7.  Hey, did you see that Boeing is making a new 747 variant? How can something 40-plus years old be new again? I'd like to find our because I am a fifty-something looking to be new again, too.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Moderating Temperatures

I could not believe the weather forecast for the week ahead when I saw it on TV last evening. It seems the tide has turned on the bitterly cold weather--at least for a bit.

While there still is a lot of snow remaining to melt, it should be gone by this time next week.

The weather is predicted to even provide us a 60 degree day on Friday. A sure sign that Spring is not so far off and that outside activities may once again resume.

Bring on the pool floaties. Well, maybe it is a bit premature for that kind of activity.

But 60 degrees--that is warm enough to lower the top on Cat and cruise the neighborhood--with the heat blasting of course.

I will not be sad to see the snow melt. There is a lot of yard work already piling up to restore the lawns and yard to their pre-winter condition. The season has not been kind. We have at least one tree which will be taking up residence at the recycling center very soon as the snow and ice broke its back, so to  speak.

But the thought of 60 degrees is almost as exciting as actually achieving the day. I may have to play hookie from work during the afternoon to enjoy the day to its fullest. I think the medical condition is termed, spring fever.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Eyes Closed Tight and Full Speed Ahead

The wreck that happened was obvious to everyone.

Full speed ahead and totally oblivious to the consequences. Not seeing the warning signs.

It can be almost as bad as the head-in-the-sand approach to life.
I know people who seem to attack life in a hair-of-fire approach and seem to get slapped down at every turn.

They don't pause to consider dodging the oncoming mess until they are mired deeply in it.

What are the warning signs of an impending crisis? It could be financial when the outlays at the end of the month exceed income and those extra expenses start making their way to the credit cards. It could be health related--when those aches and pains that used to be present when we roll out of bed now stay with us all day. Or the cough that has hung around for months. Or in school when the homework becomes and afterthought and the grades begin a gradual slide down the rating scale.

The signs are there. Open your eyes.  Take corrective action before life collides with you like and oncoming train.

The light at the end of the tunnel may be the oncoming train of life and with a bit of recognition, the siding may be the best place to go..

Friday, February 11, 2011

Walking Backward

So, kind of as a corollary to yesterday's post, I spent some time thinking about some of the people I know who seem to be walking backward through life.

Their entire focus is on what happened in the past--without ever really turning around to see what is in front of them.

These are some of the saddest people I know.


Because their focus on the past is usually recounting and reliving something bad that happened to them that they cannot get over. Some transgression caused by someone they loved, or some failure of their own.

They become consumed with their anguish and cannot turn around to see that tomorrow is where the possibilities are and that yesterday is hostory--and try as we might, we cannot rewrite what has happened. We can, however, change the future!

I've been to that place, I admit. And I can pity party with the best of them.  Ask Chris.

But it is so much better to turn around and face forward to deal with things you can affect rather than lamenting history.
My Zimbio
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