Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Musings - January 24, 2011

1. Well--it's the Packers vs the Steelers in the Super Bowl. This should be a high scoring affair in two weeks. The early line has the Packers over by Steelers by 2.5 points. After watching both games, I'm thinking Steelers 34-31 over Packers.  But, that's just me.

2. We found new cold overnight--it was 7 degrees this morning.

3. I find it interesting that the NHL All-Star game is on the same day as the NFL Pro-Bowl game.

4. Traveling in America today is an ever changing event. I was amused that the newer the equipment, the more invasive the techniques. I experienced the whole body scan during my most recent trip. Unlike previous screening--I had to take my wallet out of my pocket.  I didn't know this and was duly chastised by a friendly TSA employee.  Do I feel safer? No, not really.

5. It is so cold outside that my shadow froze to the sidewalk.

6. This is one of those days that I wish I could just stay home and curl up next to the fire reading a book all day.

7. Well--I wonder what my electric bill will look like next month.

8. Stay warm and be happy.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Grandson Saturday Night

Playing in the Play Tunnel
We had all three grandsons yesterday for a few hours to allow their parents some time off for good behavior.

We had them all, together at the same time--alone, unarmed and unafraid.  The key was to find ways to keep them happy, busy, and occupied.

The activities ranged from playing in the newly purchased play tunnel, to coloring, movie watching, and of course food including smores in the fireplace.

Walking the Dog
There was a bit of craziness--and a lot of fun.

It was amazing how well they all got along.

Even more amazing--the house, dog, and cats survived.

Coloring on the Floor

Let's Be Goofy

A Jax-o-gator
The three of them played extremely well together and we had a lot of fun interacting.

Think of it--grand parents on the floor playing with the grandsons. It was a sight to behold.

The food even worked out pretty well--better than expected.

The evening closed with a movie, helping the boys come down from the exciting activities of the previous couple of hours.

I suppose had the temperature outside been  warmer (it was on 13 degrees) we could have spent some time outside playing.  Maybe later in the year as this is supposed to be a monthly event.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cold, Colder. Coldest

I got the electric bill in the mail yesterday to greet me as I returned home from Denver.

Keep the Home Fires Burning
It confirmed my suspicion--The last month has been cold.  My bill more than doubled over the month before. Ouch!  We do not have gas heat--so everything is on that bill. Lights, heat, and Christmas.

The temperature as I sit here this morning is a balmy 15 degrees. The wind chill is 7 degrees.

I know it is colder elsewhere--but understand something. The all time coldest temperature recorded in Baltimore is minus 7--and we are only 22 degrees warmer than that.

My heat pumps don't work well under about 25 degrees.

There is already a fire in the fireplace and I'm hunkering down for the day.  Of course--the four letter word that I despise the most is also hanging out there-- S-H-O-P.  I'm going to try to negotiate not going out until the temperature is over 30 degrees.

That is probably a losing position.

Maybe I can declare it a movie day in front of the blu-ray player. 

Stay warm.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Out the Hotel Window - Denver, Part 2

Coors Field from the Hotel Window
OK--so the at night pictures are really cool--but you can't see much.

I kinda saved the best for last.

The daylight picture, at a bit of an angle, shows Coors field where the Colorado Rockies play major league baseball. The stadium is a short walk from the hotel. So although the view from my room does not have mountains, nor city skyline--it shows the most important aspect of this hotel--location, location, location.

So if you travel by bus and love MLB--this hotel is for you!

I continue to find it interesting what can be seen, or not, looking out of the hotel windows at the various places that I get to experience.

Look out the windows and see what you can see. There is a huge world out there--and you miss so much just staying inside with the curtains drawn.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Out the Hotel Window - Denver

So even in a nice hotel in the heart of the city, sometimes the view is not that exciting. Here I am in Denver--and what is the view? The Greyhound bus station.

And then there are buildings a buildings. This is an early morning shot. It snowed last night and it took one and a half hours to get from where I work to the hotel here in Denver.

Not nearly as much fun as the hockey game--it was a true game of bumper cars at 5 mph on Interstate 70.

Denver Bus Station
But we made it safe and straight to the hotel bar for drinks and dinner. Mostly drinks. It was good we did not need to travel on such a crummy weather night.

Ah--the joys of traveling.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Denver and Hockey

I love hockey. I am amazed that I never learned to skate.
Sculpture in Entry of Pepsi Center

I got to go see the Colorado Avalanche play the Vancouver Canucks last night and I had a great time.

The Avalanche are my second favorite hockey team and they won in overtime on a power play.  What is even more fabulous is that the Canucks are leading all of the NHL in terms of record right now. So it was a great win especially since it was an overtime win and I saw three NHL all starts play.

I got there early, had dinner and absorbed the atmosphere. The Pepsi Center is a super place to watch a sporting event.

Of course with the two hour time change--I was exhausted.

And I learned a lot about Craigslist--I found really expensive tickets really cheap.
1st Period Avs and Canucks

A fun evening though and something different to start a business trip.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Slip Sliding Away

January Ice
Amazingly enough the world changed overnight--it went from cold and some fluffy snow falling form the sky and turned into an ice covered disaster area.

Nothing is worse than ice.  Especially ice covered with rain to make it extra slick.

I'm glad I don't have anywhere important to be this morning. I'm watching the weather reports tell me how it is going to get better in as few hours--but don't plan on going anywhere right now. Between the accidents and the ice, it is just not a pretty picture.

Schools are closed. Businesses are delayed. Governments are reeling.

But I'm safe and warm at home!


This weekend the dynamic duo were reunited--Ben and Makayla.  Amazingly enough, these two dogs seem to be real friends. I think they really like being together and Makayla always seems a bit down when Ben finally returns home to Jer and Nicole and Luke.

They are buds--and they are fun to be around, although, the amount of fur in the house really can get a bit suffocating.

What is most fun us watching Ben try to get involved in playing with Makayla when she is playing with me. It is almost as if he gets jealous and has to interject himself into the game.

But they are dogs.

And fun to be around and do things together--even chasing the deer that happened into the yard at a bad time. Fortunately, the deer quickly crossed the creek and both dogs decided they didn't want to get wet.

That would have been a bad thing.

Good dogs, good companions and good friends.

When they are together--since they are Keeshonds, they become my pair-o-kees.

Where is the vacuum?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday Musings - January 17, 2011

1. Football is fickle--but losing still hurts.   I have a new favorite team after the Ravens: whomever is playing the Steelers! Go Jets!

2. Do you know what you get when you put two keeshonds (keeshonden) together in a house for a weekend?  A lot of hair.  Everywhere.

3. I cannot believe I watched most of the Golden Globe Awards last night! There was nothing on TV to convince me to watch something else. Look out--next I'll be in the geriatric ward!

4. We had three deer that used to live in the wooded area near the house and we had been concerned that they had been killed since we had not seen them in a few months. Makayla found all three of them yesterday. Alive. There were a few anxious moments as I tried to determine how far she would follow them as they ran off.

5. Bad weather is expected tonight and tomorrow--wouldn't you know it?  I am supposed to be heading out on a trip in the morning and I'll probably be treated to unending hours at the airport.  Ugh!

6. And as I was watching the Golden Globes last night, I found about three movies I need to see.

7. The little bit of snow we received on Wednesday remains on the ground as it has been so cold. And ice is expected tonight! Ice Snow and sleet is going to change over to freezing rain overnight.  Thanks!

8. And this in from Houston:  Bobby and Amanda Herring spent more than a year providing food to homeless people in downtown Houston every day. They fed them, left behind no trash and doled out warm meals peacefully without a single crime being committed, Bobby Herring said.That ended two weeks ago when the city shut down their "Feed a Friend" effort for lack of a permit. And city officials say the couple most likely will not be able to obtain one.  From my perspective?  How do you get a permit to feed homeless people who don't have a permit to be homeless?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fortunes of Football

What a game yesterday between the Steelers and the Ravens.

How I wish the outcome was different--and how it should have been.

I replay the game in my mind and I find just too many times where the officials made obviously bad calls, confirmed by the announcers on the TV, which put the Ravens at a disadvantage.

Of course--our offense surely did not help the cause giving the Steelers the ball deep in our zone, twice and allowing the Steelers back into the game.  The third quarter was probably the worst quarter of football I have ever seen.

But, still, having a touchdown taken off the board on an obviously bad call, and having a defensive holding penalty with the Steelers on the 4 yard line when the replay clearly showed a Steeler doing a take-down on a Raven really tilts the scales. And that doesn't even count the non-existent pass interference penalty that led to the first score of the game.

Admittedly, allowing a 58 yard completion with 2 minutes left in the game certainly did not help the cause. To their credit--the Steelers took advantage of every opportunity given to them by the Ravens and the officials.

So--to completely upset half of my family--did the better team win? I don't think so, but the team that got the most help certainly did score the most points.

It is sad that we watch a sport that allows the officiating crew to have such an impact on the game.

Go Ravens. Great season.
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