Friday, December 24, 2010

Addendum to this Morning's Post

No, I really didn't forget the dog.  I could have though.
Heard this morning while preparing breakfast for the family when asked why she was headed downstairs to get silverware, which we don't keep there: "I've got to go downstairs and get the good plastic for breakfast."

Are We There Yet?

I was summarily handed a list the other morning--these are your tasks for this afternoon to prepare for the holiday.

Ugh! The more we do the more there seems to be to do. Maybe if we started later, there would be less that needs doing?

Vacuum? Really? Vacuuming is one of those things that always needs to be done--so skip it and wait until the last minute rather than doing it, redoing it, and then doing it for real. I don't need practice vacuuming!

Ah--but it is finally Christmas Eve. And i am the offensive line for my quarterback who is calling the plays.

Now the real fun begins. The weeks of preparation have wound down into this final push to the end zone. It is time for the "Two minute drill" right now.

Last gift? Is it wrapped? Where is the gift bag?

Stockings? Found, acocunted for and hung by the chimney with care, or nails, or tape whatever will hold them!

Carrots for the reindeer? Cookies for Santa? A glass of wine for me? (OK--2 glasses and then quit counting)

Dog groomed? (Where did I leave the dog?)  Chris, have you seen the dog?  OMG--she's at the groomers, overnight? Ugh!

And so mentally I slump into the chair exhausted--but it is only 6AM. I have a massive family breakfast (or brunch?) planned, followed by a nap, then church, then dinner, then dessert with friends and then maybe church again--just because it didn't take the first time.

And by then it will be tomorrow! Christmas.

O, I forgot to clean out the fireplace!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve Eve

I remember when I was a kid needing to name this day something. It was natural to call it the eve of Christmas Eve--hence, Christmas Eve Eve.

It is probably the toughest day of the year to be a kid. Or a parent!

It is like the middle innings of a ball game, or the middle of the third quarter of a football game.The end is in sight--but not yet close enough to be real.  It can still go either way.  There is a lot of playing time left. The excitement is building, but it is so easy to still crash and burn.

For myself--I'm going about my regular day. Racquetball at 5:30 AM, work, home, dinner, football on TV, conversation with the woman I cohabitate with, and then sleep. The wrapping is done--the decorations by now are all hung. Relaxation is in the air.

The big news this year is that Christmas Eve Eve is also a Friday.  I know, you are thinking, but wait, it is Thursday. Aha, you are right--but then so am I since Christmas Eve is the Federal Holiday Christmas Observed--and I don't have to work on Friday, then Thursday essentially becomes Friday!  AND (now here is the really crafty part) this week effectively has two Saturdays.

If that makes sense to you, then you are as wacky as I am.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Eclipse Picture

Lunar Eclipse on Winter Solstice
21 December 2010 about 0300 EST
As proof that at least one of us was awake for the eclipse on early Tuesday morning as the Winter Solstice was also occurring--an image. Chris took her trusty Sony and got the moon while it was eclipsing (is that a word?).

She remarked, "Do you know how hard it is to find the moon in a camera?"

Wednesday: When Hours Matter

There is a family on the street that connects to ours with one of those day, hours, minutes counters until Christmas in their front yard for everyone to see.  It sure hits home how close Christmas has come.

Today, though, it almost is better for it to go just to hours so people face the magnitude of the task in front of them.

Consider noon.  60 hours until Christmas!  By bedtime at 10 PM, only 50 hours remain.

So, how's your shopping and wrapping coming?

Stockings hung yet?

Did you clean out the fireplace so Santa won't track soot all over your newly cleaned for the holidays carpets?

There is so much to do and the time for procrastinating is long over.

I'd rather watch a movie.

And drink a glass of wine.

Maybe munch a cookie.

And stick my head in the sand. (Beach? Sun? Warmth? Sand?)

But you know what?  Christmas will arrive anyway--and I better get ready like a sports team preparing for a game. Have the game plan ready and the plays all lined up. I know who my quarterback is: Chris, and I've got to do a lot of blocking and protecting her so that she can get the plays run successfully. She better not get sacked!  Or I'm in trouble.

And the clock up the street just keeps ticking off the seconds!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It's Been Almost 400 Years!! Solstice Eclipse

Wow--I love it when rare things happen. Were you up early this morning to enjoy a rare, once in a lifetime event? (Actually, once in a lot of lifetimes?)

A Lunar Eclipse coinciding with the Winter Solstice--something that has not happened in 372 years.

Lunar Eclipse
I also learned a new word--selenelion. Look that one up!  According to a BBC News Article, a selenelion, occurs when the sun and the eclipsed moon can be seen at the same time.  Of course, you had to be in Ireland or the UK to see that this time--but I had never even thought about an eclipsed moon and the sun being visible at the same time, let alone there being a word for it. That happens a lot more frequently.  There is an interesting article: In Search of Selenelion, which provides a story of one person's search for this elusive occurrence.

But the eclipse with the winter solstice is even more fascinating.

In olden times, it might have been thought to one of those signs in the heavens. Probably not a good sign, either. Panic may have ensued as the populace feared for their lives when the moon turned blood red and disappeared. Although, after a short time, it reappeared.

Now, we rational and scientifically minded people sleep through it. It is a well understood event, barely worth noting. A cool coincidence. It was cold outside and in the "wee" hours of the morning when only the night workers are awake and the lonely soldiers are on duty guarding their positions. I'm sure there were clouds. Somewhere. But in my area it was clear and a million mile visibility. Fortunately, Chris woke me up and I went outside to view the blood red moon at about 3:00 AM.

There are three interesting Bible verses which mention the moon turning to the color of blood:

Joel 2:31:
The sunlight will be turned to darkness and the moon to the color of blood, before the day of the Lord comes – that great and terrible day!  -NET bible

Acts 2:20
The sun will be changed to darkness and the moon to blood before the great and glorious day of the Lord comes. --NET Bible

Revelations 6:12
Then I looked when the Lamb opened the sixth seal, and a huge earthquake took place; the sun became as black as sackcloth made of hair,  and the full moon became blood red; --NET Bible

I wonder what the prophets who wrote each of these saw in their mind as they wrote these words--was it an eclipse? What was God putting in their minds that they were trying to describe?

What will today bring as this Christmas Season continues towards its finale.  What does this sign in the heavens, similar to the star so many centuries ago, foretell? 

It is a sign. We should take note of this sign. It can be a sign of peace or war. It can be a sign of feast or famine. It is a sign--He is coming, quickly. Like A thief. And we celebrate his arrival for he first time this very week

(Look! I will come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays alert and does not lose his clothes so that he will not have to walk around naked and his shameful condition be seen.)  Revelations 16:15 --NET Bible

Monday, December 20, 2010

Monday Musings - December 20, 2010

1. The snow that fell on Thursday has remained pretty well in place since. It is cold out there. It makes going outside a very unpleasant experience.

2. Christmas in a word--Emmanuel.  Look it up!

3. Football is a fickle sport--sometimes the seemingly better team loses. It is always good when the home town team defeats the defending Super Bowl champs in a close game.

4. A quiet evening alone at home with Chris, a nice fire in the fireplace, a bottle of wine and soft lighting. A respite from the troubles of the day. The perfect ending to the week.

5. Let's be clear--this is the plan.  Those at least are the words associated with the events currently penciled in for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  At least we have the meat in the freezer.

6. Our church announced that all four services on Christmas Eve are completely full--what a great problem to have.

7. The weather for the past two weeks has been like February cold. I hope it is not even colder in February.

8. It is  funny how a little bit of snow makes every one's cars look so dirty.

9. I hope your shopping is done. There isn't much time left.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Dry Run

It must be that practice is required to enter a sleep deprived state and enjoy the day.

Ethan and Lucas
For some unexplained reason, I am up bright and early on a Sunday morning. Before the clock struck 6, I was up and at the side of my tortured wife who is feverishly trying to ensure everything is ready for the big event which is still some six days away.  In my sleepy, still groggy state I am trying to make decisions about menus for Christmas Eve--breakfast and dinner. Church is sandwiched in there somewhere and there remains the possibility of a midnight service as well.

But, trying to solidify menus before my first pot of coffee is just crazy. I can't even spell my name yet.

Something about french toast and pot roast, mimosas and wine. I sure hope I can keep the meals straight.

As the weekend approaches I am sure things will get a bit crazier on the home front. Let's all smile, because all too quickly it will be over.

Lists are everywhere--being checked twice and not just gift lists either. Menus and cleaning, banking and washing. Lists--life is a list this week it seems.

Oh well--it is said that Christmas is for children and it seems at least the grandsons know how to make the best of it. Lucas loves to be pushed in a laundry basket by Ethan. Nicole watched over the operation to ensure it was was safe.  That was last week's entertainment during football. No list required.  Just fun.

And so it begins. Stand by for the craziness to begin.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

One Week to Go!

Well, if the panic level wasn't high enough already--it certainly gets ratcheted up today.

The Christmas Season is drawing to a crescendo! Excitement abounds. Traffic is excruciating. And every visit by the mail person, FEDEX, or UPS provides renewed excitement.  Riordin, our new cat, is especially interested in all of the packages arriving and being stowed around the house.  He seems to enjoy the taste of the wrapping paper.

I know for myself, I am looking forward to a four-day week next week. And then Christmas Eve--with brunch, and church, and most likely friends for the evening.

Chris and I are thinking about finding a mid-night service to attend, something we have not done in years (or actually since we stopped singing in the choir at church). It was just too tough to do it all and it made for a long evening. But now--I think we could pull it off.

My Florida Dream House

The snow on Thursday--aside from really snarling the drive home, provided a needed boost to the Christmas spirit. Although, I did send Tegan a quippy note (she's in Australia) in her Blog about checking out the beach for me.  I really think I would be good with Christmas on the beach somewhere sunny and warm.  Even hot!

 Wouldn't a cookout around the pool to celebrate Christmas be awesome?  I'm a huge fan of Christmas Palms.  I want to get one on closeout after the holidays and put it in the yard next year.

Actually, I'm told the guy who owned our house before us did that one year to the tune of a couple hundred dollars to open and heat the pool.

But that seems a bit excessive--and propane is not $3 per gallon and not the $.20 it used to be.  It would be $500 easy now with propane and opening and reclosing the pool.

But, I'm dreaming of a beach Christmas--just like when I was in college a long, long time ago.

It was especially more of a dream after I shoveled the driveway yesterday and nearly froze my hands putting washer fluid in Chris' car and flattening the boxes to place them in recycling. 

Let's agree on one important safety tip: 17 degrees is just too cold!

Next week--the post-Christmas clean up begins. But for the next week--be sure you wish everyone a Merry Christmas!  They really want to hear you say it!
My Zimbio
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