Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Snow Angels

Remember that movie "Angels in the Outfield?" One of the lines was: "They're always with you," or something like that. This snow angel was made on Saturday, Jan 5th in Ithaca, NY. And it reminds us that angels are always with us and watching over us. Chris made it and was teaching Ethan about snow and snow angels. What a pretty and cold day it was. Ethan kept remarking, as he was being pulled on a sled behind a quad: "Fast please." If life were that simple, we'd all be enjoying it a lot more. But we seem to make it so complex. I was cold and worrying about my shoes getting wet while Ethan was teaching me to be in the moment--enjoy what God is providing to you right now. It gives God pleasure to make us happy and too often we are the ones who are sucking the pleasure out of life with our contrived needs and unnecessary complexities. Life is about relationships--ours with others and ours with God. Why are we making that difficult? Because when its is too simple we can't believe its true. Ethan, thanks for bringing the fun of snow back to my life. I still don't like shoveling it, but now I have a memory to smile about when I see snow.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

80th Birthday Celebration

What a weekend. We drove to upstate NY to celebrate my Dad's 80th birthday. What a blessing he is to all of us. I rode in the car with Ethan (my grandson all of 2 1/2) my daughter Nicole, and my wife. Just shy of six hours--each way. Now let me say tight off--Ethan was great! It was good to have our daughter and grandson all to ourselves in the car. Was it fun? Well--I have to be very careful with that answer.

The birthday party
was well attended by family, relatives, and friends from the church where Dad actively continues to minister. It was good to reconnect with everyone and to celebrate Dad's becoming an octogenarian--which I had to explain to some is a real word. It was a surprise party, and this picture was taken right as he realized the surprise party was for him. Fortunately, we did the party a couple days before his birthday. The participation by the members of the church in Etna, NY was fabulous. Everyone made the day special to Dad--and he is a real special guy. God is using him in ways he never imagined. It is good to take some time out and recognize the accomplishments people make and to get a sense of the number of people our lives touch. We can each make a difference--one person at a time.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Christmas Tree Hunting - December 2007

Ethan is off on his own. It is amazing how a huge field of Christmas Trees and one little boy can be such a perfect match. It was cold--but Ethan didn't seem to mind. There were places to explore and things to see and do. He especially liked the creek at the end of the road and it took a great deal of restraint to keep him from going into the creek. He found the ice on the water fascinating. Finding the "perfect" Christmas tree almost became secondary. I can almost hear him saying-- "Follow me, the road goes this way."

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Best Pictures 2007 - Key Largo, April

So what are you feeling like today? We found this pelican sitting on a post and he made the best picture. Look deep into his eyes and ask yourself--are you a fish? Today was my first day back at work since just before Christmas and I can tell you this--the pelican has a much better outlook on life than I do right now. Who would have though so much stuff would pile up. So do you want a pet pelican? Actually, who would want to clean up after one? Bet it smells like dead fish! Check out the bird sanctuary.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Great Pictures 2007 - Singer Island, FL July 7, 2007

This is the reason I love Florida in the summer. Here we are at Singer Island, John D. MacArthur Beach State Park and the beach is ours. The day was threatening thunderstorms, but the snorkeling was awesome at the rocks right off shore. The water was clear and the animal life varied. Sure isn't Ocean City, MD on a hot summer's day. The walk to the beach can be long, but the reward is certainly worth it in the end. Over the month of July we visited this park on three occasions and this day was by far the best overall day of snorkeling we had at the park.

Happy New Year 2008

Everyone seems to want to say it first, and I'm no different. Hopefully this year will find everyone well and happy. There should be ample opportunities for excitement and joy in the year ahead. Take them. We had a great New Year's Eve (no pictures) arriving safely back at home sometime after midnight but before 1AM. It is truly awesome the way the year begins: so much hope and promises and expectations. I pray the year is truly a great year. We are expecting our second grandchild--and that will be a great event in March (if not sooner). Peace to all.
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