Sunday, December 9, 2018

Another Cold Sunday

I attended a Holiday Party last evening. It was a fantastic event and definitely brought holiday cheer into the dark days of December. A big thank-you to Jim and Shannon for hosting! 

One of the highlights of the evening was chatting with a golf pro. I have not swung a golf club at a little white ball in over a month and I am missing walking the courses. It has been cold or rainy, or both. Not good golf weather. So, chatting with another golfer for a few minutes provided a momentary relief from the season and the weather. 

I am already looking forward to our planned March Spring Training Trip! Hopefully this year we will have warm weather and a lot of sun. And golf and baseball! And more golf.

So for this cold Sunday I am thankful that the big storm hitting the east is south (yes, you read that right) of us! I just do not need snow or more snow, or any snow!

I may set up my net and hit some golf balls today just because! Because I have not swung a club since early November. And it was cold and rainy on that last outing of the season.

So for most of another cold Sunday I will be devoted to getting things ready for the Christmas season and watching football on TV. I do have the opportunity to attend a youth basketball game later today. But, I'd rather be on a golf course somewhere warm playing in a bright sun.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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