Saturday, January 5, 2013

First Saturday

Believe it or not, the first Saturday of 2013 has arrived and after the frenzy of the holiday season I would say it is a welcomed arrival except that this day and this weekend promise to be as busy and harried as the season just completed.

The phrase that comes to mind is kick the tires and light the fires!

The last remnants of the holidays will likely be purged from the house--two Christmas trees need to be deconstructed and stored until later this year when they can reappear to assist in celebrating the demise of 2013. And then all of the remaining decorations need to be packed away and the house returned to its eleven-months-of-the-year condition.

Putting the period on the end of the seasonal decorations is somewhat sad. It causes me to reflect on how long we anticipate the season and then it seems to rocket by and we are thrust back into the routine of life. Anticipation gives way to celebration and then into a New Year and reestablishing the routine again.

Is it possible to change the routine?

I think my feeble attempt to encourage growth and change from the season is in my resolutions. I set one for myself and that was to be more sensitive of the blessings in my life--every day. Specifically, I resolved to recount at least three blessings in my life before I went to sleep at the end of every day. People who know me realize that I tend to group things into threes--hence, three blessings to find and consider.

Now four days complete into the New Year, I can report that I am running at an about 50 percent success rate. I am too tired some nights to remember anything before I my head hits the pillow.

But I think about the blessings in the morning--so maybe I need to tweak my resolution.

As for today's agenda? De-Christmasifying the house, attending a grandson's first basketball game of the season, Church in the afternoon, and squeezing in two NFL playoff games.

The blessings in these endeavors--I am not alone, my parents are still visiting and I can enjoy these activities with them, God has given me the means and the health to enjoy life and my family.

Definitely a good way to start the first weekend of the year.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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