Thursday, July 12, 2012

What I've Seen in Jupiter, Florida, 2012

The beach, the animals on the shore, and those in the water--it has been awesome again this year to get away and check out nature and its magnificence. I had fun getting the picture of this sand crab--he was very tough to catch.

I realized the other day why I love getting into the water so much to see the marine animals--they let me get closer to them than the creatures which live on land. I have almost lost count of how many times that I have been within ten feet of a seven foot nurse shark, or for that matter three sharks. I keep looking for them hoping for a really good image--which so far has escaped me.

On Tuesday when I was snorkeling and the visibility was particularly poor, it wan not until I did some processing on the image that I took of the big shark that I realized that there were really two sharks watching me watch them. The visibility was getting rather poor--but I now clearly see two nurse sharks in the image. Ugh! I really hate those kinds of surprises.

I had a fun experience on the shore when a sheltie walking with its owner along the beach decided to come visit relax for a while. She was a beautiful dog, Katie, who just wanted a few minutes out of the sun under my umbrella. We exchanged some conversation with her owner only to discover that this beautiful, 13-year old dog had just been diagnosed with bladder cancer. The ravages of cancer, it seems, are everywhere.

And then again yesterday, as we took an off the beach day due to bad weather, we happened upon the sand cranes again. They were chilling and wandering around--but ever mindful of our presence.

In addition to the wildlife, there is just the calming of the ocean waves hitting the beach. On any given day, what really is better than this?

-- Bob Doan, Jupiter, FL


Jeremy Doan said...

Well normally I would say nothing is better than that but now I'm all worried about Katie!!!! Please Keep that Dog in your prayers.

Jeremy Doan said...

Well I would normally agree with you nothing is better than that, but now I'm all worried about Katie!!! Let's keep her in our prayers she is a beautiful dog!!

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