Saturday, November 19, 2011

Giving Thanks - Home

Drive around our area and it is easy to notice the homeless sitting on some of the corners asking for assistance.

One of the blessings I realize that I have this season is the blessing of home.

I am sitting here looking outside at the dawning day enjoying the blue sky and rising sun. Most importantly, I am warm. It is 24 degrees outside this morning, but Chris and I are warm inside with a nice fire already crackling in the fireplace.

I am looking forward to being outside today doing work around the house, which is my home, but I woke in a warm bed, not in a group home or a tent. I am blessed and for that I give thanks.

Home, they say is where the heart is--but as well it can be place from which to base life. The safe place to which I return at the end of the day and from which I depart when I launch my day.

I look forward to home when I am not there.

Not in a sappy way--but in a peaceful, purposeful manner.

The real blessing of home is peace. A place to reflect, and plan, and to be safe.

Welcome home.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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