Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Saturday Flurry of Activity

What a day.

Amazingly, it was an incredibly productive day which also saw me do something for the first time.

Lots of projects around the house were accomplished. Lights changed, crown moulding installed and the general Saturday activity that we can do when we are actually home. I even went to the mall and we had batteries installed in four, yes count them four, watches. Two each for Chris and I. Somewhere in there I even had time to shop for some wine at a local wine store.

During the middle part of the day, Chris coerced me into getting a massage that she scheduled for me without my knowledge in an effort to help me deal with my persistent headaches. I admit--the massage was way outside of my comfort zone, but I did it. And it was OK. I'm not sure it helped my headache too much, but it sure helped my racquetball strained shoulder and back.

So, I will be getting more massages to see if they can really improve the way my shoulder, back and head feel.

All in all--the day didn't end until 9pm when I drove the last nail into the crown moulding. It still needs to be painted, but it has already changed the appearance of the room for the better.

Well it definitely wasn't a Renaissance Festival day, but it was a festival of activity.

And I collapsed into bed after seeing that the Orioles had won again feeling fulfilled and with that feeling of accomplishment.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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