Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday Musings - December 6, 2010

1. Christmas shopping is an experience in controlled anarchy.

2. Are gift cards really gifts? Or are they just a cop-out because people really don't want to be bothered taking the time to shop for a meaningful, heartfelt gift?

3. Big football games bring communities together--too bad one team has to lose because the excitement leading up to the game is something to be savored. OK--so the Ravens lost to the Steelers, ugh!

4. Meeting new people, drinking wine, blending wine at the winery. Having the wine we blended with two other couples selected as the best was really cool and to have it be the three-day winner, even cooler. We are going to buy a couple cases when it is released next year.

5. Holiday weekends are busier than weekdays during the season.

6. During the Holiday Season, travel and frustration are synonyms.

7. The roads between Baltimore and Charlottesville are fairly empty on Sunday mornings. I guess everyone is sleeping off the night before or preparing to go to church.

8. Tina is a Craigslist warrior--she found a person selling off their Snow Village collection as really reasonable prices and we were able to get many great pieces for less than one new in the box piece. Oh, yeah, they were all in the box too, just not "new."

9. We have been watching Nicole's dogs over the weekend, and I have learned what a canine vacuum cleaner is. Jefferson, the beagle can suck down a bowl of food in the blink of an eye.


Jeremy Doan said...


Unknown said...

I am one of those people who always subscribed to the "gift cards are cop-outs" theory. Then I met Patrick, who always buys what he wants on the spot or within a week of seeing it...and his family, who are pretty guilty of the same thing. It makes it hard to shop for all of you! So now I think of the giftcard as going toward the next "must have" item", cause lets face it, next time you see that perfect watch/wine accy/movie/tie/toy that is reasonably priced, it'll be bought, just now it'll be more "ok" to buy because you have a giftcard, so it isn't even "real money" as P and I say!

Unknown said...

I am one of those people who always subscribed to the "gift cards are cop-outs" theory. Then I met Patrick, who always buys what he wants on the spot or within a week of seeing it...and his family, who are pretty guilty of the same thing. It makes it hard to shop for all of you! So now I think of the giftcard as going toward the next "must have" item", cause lets face it, next time you see that perfect watch/wine accy/movie/tie/toy that is reasonably priced, it'll be bought, just now it'll be more "ok" to buy because you have a giftcard, so it isn't even "real money" as P and I say!

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