Thursday, October 1, 2015

October Arrives with the New FY

Happy New Year!

It is October 1st and the US government is still running as we start a new fiscal year!

Cue the noisemakers for the arrival of FY (Fiscal Year) 16!

Yay! Congress salvaged the beginning of the year by not letting the government shut down! We are good until December 11th when we get to watch our own version of brinkmanship funding happen all over again!

There was a lot of concern about another furlough--the last one coming two short years ago when Congress failed to accomplish their Constitutional duty and fund the government.

Except for the prospect of rain, I was a bit excited about the prospect of making some early morning tee times. 

But, I get to go to work and try to take care of the myriad of things accumulating on my desk as a result of an extremely heavy meeting week.

And so, yay! Happy New Year and let's keep the government functioning.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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